• Information Technology
  • Accounts & Access
  • myGoucher
  • FAQ
  • myGoucher Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    General Questions

    What is myGoucher?

    myGoucher is a web-based, private portal that allows students to:

    • Register for classes
    • Access class schedules
    • View grades and unofficial transcripts
    • View course history
    • Find courses
    • And more

    How do I access the myGoucher portal?

    1. Visit http://my.shushijia.net using an approved browser. Approved browsers include Edge, Chrome, or Safari. Do not use Firefox. 

    2. Log in with your Goucher username and password. (These are the credentials that you use to log onto campus computers or check your email.)

      1. Your username is usually the first two letters of your first name, the first three letters of your last name and ‘001’. (ex. gecol001)

      2. Your password is usually Gc and your Goucher id number. (ex. Gc002000000)

    3. If you are unable to log into myGoucher, please contact the IT helpdesk at 410-337-6322 or helpdesk@shushijia.net.

    How do I set up a myGoucher account?

    A myGoucher account is automatically created for you.

    What if I can't remember my myGoucher password?

    myGoucher uses the same username and password used to log onto campus computers or to check email. If you forget your password, please contact the Help Desk by phone at 410-337-6322 or by email to helpdesk@shushijia.net.

    Whom do I call if I am having a problem with my myGoucher account?

    If you are experiencing problems with your myGoucher account or the myGoucher features, please contact the Help Desk by phone at 410-337-6322 or by email to helpdesk@shushijia.net.

    For Faculty

    How do I view the photos of students in my class?

    • Click on the myGoucher Links tab.
    • Select Course Roster with Photos from the list of Faculty Links.
    • Select the year and term in which the course is offered.
    • Select the view link to the left of the course number to view the class roster with photos.

    How do I view the telephone contact information for students in my classes?

    • Click the myGoucher Links tab Select the Course Roster with Photos link from the Faculty Links section.
    • Enter your username and password
    • Select the year/term
    • Select the view link for the course
    • The class roster with photos will be displayed for the course
    • At the bottom of the screen, select the Phone list button
    • The telephone contact information for all of your students will be displayed

    How do I search for my advisees?

    • Click on the Advising Tab
    • Click on Manage Advisees from the tab menu
    • You can simply click on the Search button and a list of all of your advisees will be displayed. You will then be able to view the schedule, grades, or unofficial transcript of any of your advisees
    • From the search screen, you can search for a specific advisee by entering their last name and/or first name You can also search for students based on their class level. After selecting a Class Level of Senior and then hitting the Search button, you can view information on all of your advisees who are Seniors
    • You can also search based on the student’s curriculum (i.e. major or minor). So for example, if you select Communications Minor in the Curriculum field, you will see a list of advisees who are Communication Minors

    I was using the "Search for Advisees" link and it didn't work because is says I am staff (or a student). What should I do?

    • Click on the ‘Search for Advisees’ link
    • The search screen will be displayed
    • Click on the 'Change Roles' link on the top left-hand side of the screen. This is the second choice under Navigation.
    • When you click on this link, it will open a page where you can change your role to Faculty
    • Click on the Goucher Faculty icon
    • Close the screen
    • Click on the Search for Advisees link and perform the search again

    How do I enter grades in myGoucher?

    Step by step instructions for entering grades are available.

    For Deans & Chairs

    How do I search for students, advisees, and majors and minors?

    • When you click on the Search for Students, Advisees, and Majors and Minors link, a search screen will be displayed.
    • The search screen allows you to perform a search for People, Students, Faculty, My Students, and My Advisees. Click on a tab to perform a specific search. Each search utilizes different search options. The Students search includes at all students while the My Students search includes only students who were in a class taught by you.
    • If you choose the My Advisees search and simply click on the Search button, a list of all of your advisees will be displayed. You will then be able to view the schedule, grades, or unofficial transcript of any of your advisees. If you are searching for the advisees of a specific faculty member, click on Students, go to Student Criteria and select the advisor’s name from the drop down menu.
    • From the search screen, you can search for a specific student or advisee by entering their last name and/or first name.
    • You can also search for students based on their class level. After selecting a Class Level of Senior and then hitting the Search button, you can view information on all of your advisees who are Seniors.
    • You can also search based on the student’s curriculum (i.e. major or minor). So for example, if you select Communications Minor in the Curriculum field, you will see a list of advisees who are Communication Minors.

    What is the difference between the People, Students, Faculty, My Students, and My Advisees tabs when using the ‘Search for Students, Advisees, and Majors and Minors’ link?

    The Search function allows you to perform different searches by clicking on the appropriate tab:

    • People: Searches all faculty, staff, students, and alumnae/i
    • Students: Searches all students
    • Faculty: Searches all faculty and staff
    • My Students: Searches only the students who have taken a class where you were the instructor
    • My Advisees: Searches only your advisees

    I was using the ‘Search for Students, Advisees, and Majors and Minors’ link and it didn’t work because it says I am staff (or a student). What should I do?

    • Click on the ‘Search for Students, Advisees, and Majors and Minors’ link
    • The search screen will be displayed
    • Click on the 'Change Roles' link on the top left-hand side of the screen. This is the second choice under Navigation.
    • When you click on this link, it will open a page where you can change your role to Deans & Chairs
    • Click on the Deans & Chairs icon
    • Close the screen
    • Click on the 'Search for Students, Advisees, and Majors and Minors' link and perform the search again

    Why am I only able to view the My Advisees tab on the Search page?

    When you click on the ‘Search for Students, Advisees, and Majors and Minors’link, you should see the following tabs: People, Students, Faculty, My Students, and My Advisees. If you are not seeing all of these tabs, you will need to change your role:

    • Click on the 'Change Roles' link on the top left-hand side of the screen. This is the second choice under Navigation.
    • When you click on this link, it will open a page where you can change your role
    • Click on the Deans & Chairs icon
    • Close the screen
    • Click on the 'Search for Students, Advisees, and Majors and Minors' link and perform the search again